Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Poor Dominic - please pray for him and his parents

October 6, 2010
Government’s Claws Dig Deeper in Johansson Case 

Support the Johanssons

Letters of encouragement and support can be sent to the family at:
Christer and Annie Johanssson
c/o Rune Johansson
Alva Gudings 363
623 46 Hemse
On September 21, 2010, Swedish Administrative Court Chief Judge Peter Freudenthal handed down his decision in the case of Domenic Johansson of Gotland, Sweden, dashing the hopes of his parents for reunification with their son, who has been kept in foster care for over one year. Dominic was seized by Swedish authorities from the plane he and his parents had boarded as they were moving to India, his mother’s home country. Authorities cited untreated cavities in the boy’s teeth, failure to vaccinate, and homeschooling as reasons for taking him into custody.
After multiple appeals, Judge Freudenthal has upheld the decision of Swedish social services officials, who are the engineers behind the case. Domenic has been kept from his parents since June 25, 2009, and has only been allowed to visit with them once every five weeks with a supervised 15-minute telephone call once every two weeks. It has become increasingly apparent that the social workers have no real intention of reuniting this family, and that they have simply transferred Domenic from the Johanssons to the foster family. Domenic is now in the public school system.
Friends, family, and a university professor of psychology testified that the Johanssons are more than capable of parenting Domenic and caring for him. Despite this testimony, and the willingness of the family to do whatever the state wants them to do, Judge Freudenthal decided to go along with the assertions of the social workers that Domenic was better off in the care of the state. Meanwhile, Freudenthal spent almost as much time discussing the fees the appointed lawyers would collect as he did explaining the rationale for the state’s continued custody of Domenic.
Ruby Harrold-Claesson, a noted international human rights lawyer and president of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights (, represented Christer Johansson before being removed from the case on the motion of Eva Ernston, Domenic’s appointed attorney. Harrold-Claesson has developed a practice of fighting Swedish social services, a system she calls increasingly “evil.”

“Held Hostage”

“I have never in 20 years of practice seen a case more badly handled,” says Harrold-Claaesson. “This family has been so traumatized that they may never recover. The Swedish government has grossly violated this family’s human rights, both under Swedish law and under the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). Under the ECHR people have the right to leave their country. But in this case the social services took this poor little boy and prevented him from leaving with his parents. He is being held a hostage—essentially kidnapped by the Swedish government. It is an absolute embarrassment for Sweden and for every person involved in this case. Each person, from the social workers to the judges, should be ashamed of their behavior and their continuing callousness towards this family. They all must be brought to justice for their crimes against the Johansson family.”
Attorney Michael Donnelly, director for international relations for HSLDA, agrees.
“It is revolting to read the opinions of these judges and attorneys, who continue to allow and support this inexcusable and traumatic separation of this family,” says Donnelly. “This is an object lesson for anyone who is concerned about what can happen when the state becomes all powerful and unnecessarily invades the sphere of the family. Overbearing bureaucratic paternalism and a sense of personal power are driving Domenic’s forced alienation from his parents.”
Donnelly notes that the opinions of the Swedish judges are questionable.
“I’ve read the opinions, and there is no evidence that points to the need for continued state custody,” he explains. “Even in the face of overwhelming evidence from credible witnesses that show that the parents are able to take care of Dominic and that refute the social workers absurd allegations that Mr. Johansson is ‘narcissistic.’ This case is so egregious, that the only explanation for the decisions is that judges and social services authorities are simply trying to cover their tracks because they know they have grossly violated the basic human rights of this family.”
HSLDA and ADF, along with the Nordic Committee for Human Rights, have teamed up to bring this case to the European Court of Human rights, where urgent “interim orders” have been requested. As of today, there has been no word from the court, even though the usual time for a response has passed.
Roger Kiska, European counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, notes the delay is concerning.

“Very Concerning”

“In most cases I’ve had a response from the court by this time,” says Kiska. “This is especially true when we are asking for urgent interim orders due to the serious nature of the violation. It is very concerning that the court has not responded to our application.”
Kiska continues, “This case is very troubling in light of the most recent rejection by Judge Freudenthal. The opinions in the Johansson case reflects an underlying attempt by the Swedish state to conform Domenic to the bureaucrats’ image of a child, rather than respecting the right of the family and the parents, and even the right of the child to be with his family.“
This tragic case reflects what happens when a socialist bureaucracy is bent upon turning out cookie-cutter children, rather than respecting the individual differences of individuals and families. Even if you believe every single allegation that the social services authorities have made, as outlined by Judge Freudenthal, the evidence falls far short of the dramatic intervention they brought upon this family and the continuing harm perpetrated by this continued separation. I’m embarrassed for Sweden and hope that we will be able to help this poor family reunite and attempt to recover from this horrible tragedy.”
In his decision, the judge stated that eight months after the verdict of the Administrative Court of Appeal it is necessary for the state to continue its care, because there was much to “recover.” The judge adopted the facts as offered by the social council that Domenic’s being homeschooled “resulted in delays of several years in knowledge and connections with peers and other people.” and that he likes to “play with younger children.” The judge’s opinion notes that the social workers argue that the past issues regarding Dominic—not being vaccinated prior to their attempt to move to India, that he had some unaddressed cavities and was homeschooled—have deep impact on the case. In spite of the fact that all of these issues have been corrected, and that the parents indicate a willingness to cooperate with social services, the social workers have decided that because the family made these decisions this is proof that they are incapable of parenting Dominic.

Power of the State

What this really means, of course, is that the social workers believe that Dominic should not be raised by his parents simply because the state has a different opinion of how children should be raised. Regrettably, the state has the power to force Domenic into the upbringing that they believe is best for him. Sadly, the decision by the social workers is being supported by the entire Swedish administrative and judicial system.
American homeschoolers can view this abuse of authority as a foreshadowing of the kinds of issues we would face if the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child were to be implemented in the United States. There are already numerous cases every year of state bureaucrats attempting to, and, in some cases with the cooperation of American judges, substituting their own decisions over that of competent parents. These cases often result in the involuntary separation of families which result in great trauma to both the children and their parents.
HSLDA calls on Sweden to return Domenic to his parents. Sweden’s treatment of Christer, Annie, and Domenic Johansson are reprehensible and do not uphold the standards of freedom and due process that ought to be the hallmarks of a Western nation. We ask our members and friends to remember this family in their prayers that they will be able to persevere in the face of this overwhelming loss at the hands of their own government under such outrageous circumstances.

You can find the original here:


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Child Documentary Promo


Some of you know us and our story. Some of you may not know our story, for you I will recap real quick. We were homeschooling in Germany and the German government wanted to take our parental rights - just because we homeschooled our kids.  We came to the US and thought that we stay for a few months until things blow over in Germany. Well, they never did - the courts left our case pending, with the purpose to start proceedings ( if we would return) right where they stopped - so as not to lose any time to take our children away! Of course this is everything in a nutshell. It doesn't tell you about the children being very scared because we were watched secretly, it doesn't tell you about all the emotional pain of leaving loved ones behind nor does it tell you about starting over without your spouse, money or friends. Neither does this tell you of many other things that hurt...... are you willing to give up your rights? Do you really want to experience all that and more yourself? Do you think it would hurt your children if they had to wonder which one of their friends turned them in to the government? America, this IS at your doorstep! You can disagree, you can dislike it, you can put your head in the sand and pretend this is not happening - all that doesn't change the fact! The fact is that America NEEDS the amendment to the UNCHR. This is not only for homeschoolers, it is not even only for christians - this is for ALL PARENTS!    Do you want that the government can tell you what you can do with your children? Which school is best for them? Which kind of help they need? What worldview is best for them? How to think? If you think this will not happen - well, think again! If any entity has this kind of power - trust me, it will exercise this power. It is in the nature of the human being. In my own history is quite a bit to where I must say, all alarm bells are going off in my head. If you look back in history you can see that it is MUCH harder to get rid of something like the UNCHR. Fight for your rights now! America needs the amendment to the UNCHR. Think about it, children have good rights already! You don't need foreign entities to tell you what is best for your child! Go to to read all about it. At the very least inform yourself, find out what you should do! Find out the truth before it is too late! 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Less than 12 weeks....

A few days ago I was in the car, taking my daughter somewhere and we were talking when the guy on the radio mentioned that it is less than 12 weeks to Christmas. What????? Seriously???? I actually thought about it and yes, he is right. What happens to the time? It was just summer and so very hot and now the leaves are falling of the trees and are changing color. It sounds like such a cliche but I really, what happens to the time? Even the kids find that the week is just gone in no time.......
Of course they are looking forward to building snowmen, cookies and hot chocolate :-)   I am not ready to think about Christmas tree and decorations yet - oh, and driving to science class, music lessons, youthgroup and cubscouts will take so much longer. 
Before all that happens we still have work to do. Tomorrow we will finally give the car the much needed clean up and we need to wax it before it gets too cold. I got most of the inside already cleaned up, except for the windows. The blankets are back in the car - just in case for those really cold days.... Once we have taken care of that we can start to prepare for our wonderful friends to come and visit. It will be a little tight, as they have six children and the apartment is small but we are looking very much forward to finally seeing them again. The last time we saw them was on our way out of Germany. They left the country soon after we did, though they didn't have to flee. The Lord has called them to be missionaries in Cyprus. I have some planning to do but I am certain that all will work out :-)