I thought I share this little snipped with you, maybe you need a little smile today. I know I did :-)
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
That's why ducks fly
Sunday, June 16, 2013
New Curriculum arrived!
I have been homeschooling for about six years now and every year I ponder anew which curriculum to choose. I have tried textbooks, but that doesn't seem to work well for my lovelies. I really liked Ambleside Online. A great curriculum fashioned after Charlotte Mason's style of teaching. I really enjoyed it when I had only two kids and they were in the same grade level. It didn't work so well for me when I had three kids in three different grade levels. I don't know how others are doing it, but it drove me crazy, it is quite possible that I could have done something different and make it work, but I couldn't figure out how. Then I tried to put my own curriculum together, which worked well but was VERY work-intensive! I also tried Tapestry of Grace, which I thought was super because I could put all three kids in the same curriculum and we were all learning the same but at different levels. The difficulty I had with TOG was that I couldn't just pick a few books. I constantly had to battle the want to read every book, which TOG clearly states is NOT intended.
This year we will be a very different year for us for many reasons, some I will talk about in a week or two, the other reason is that one of my kids is starting college work. She is going to do 'her own thing' and I have only two left to teach. I really needed something this year that spelled everything out for me and was already all done, so that basically all I have to do is open the folder and start teaching. Sooo, this year we are trying Sonlight. I got the first box with curriculum and I am excited! It is ALL done for me! I don't have to do much at all. I can't believe how easy it can be to plan a school year! Would you believe that I am pretty much done with planning for one of my kids? I opened the box, put all the stickers on the books, so we know which books is for which week. Next I loaded the student and teacher folders and I am done :) I can't believe it! Okay, so I have to add Math and Science, but they are really easy to plan, because they are pretty much scheduled when they come. This year the kids will do Wordly Wise on the computer, I got a really good deal on that. The only thing I have to do is move some of the scheduled work, because it is planned for five days but we want to do it in four days. That way we don't have to worry about things when it is co-op day. So Fridays will be for co-op, field trips and catch up if needed.
I would like to mention that there is nothing wrong with any of the other curricula, I just really don't have the time to plan so extensively anymore.
So anyway, here are some pictures from 'box day' :D
This year we will be a very different year for us for many reasons, some I will talk about in a week or two, the other reason is that one of my kids is starting college work. She is going to do 'her own thing' and I have only two left to teach. I really needed something this year that spelled everything out for me and was already all done, so that basically all I have to do is open the folder and start teaching. Sooo, this year we are trying Sonlight. I got the first box with curriculum and I am excited! It is ALL done for me! I don't have to do much at all. I can't believe how easy it can be to plan a school year! Would you believe that I am pretty much done with planning for one of my kids? I opened the box, put all the stickers on the books, so we know which books is for which week. Next I loaded the student and teacher folders and I am done :) I can't believe it! Okay, so I have to add Math and Science, but they are really easy to plan, because they are pretty much scheduled when they come. This year the kids will do Wordly Wise on the computer, I got a really good deal on that. The only thing I have to do is move some of the scheduled work, because it is planned for five days but we want to do it in four days. That way we don't have to worry about things when it is co-op day. So Fridays will be for co-op, field trips and catch up if needed.
I would like to mention that there is nothing wrong with any of the other curricula, I just really don't have the time to plan so extensively anymore.
So anyway, here are some pictures from 'box day' :D
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Something to smile :)
I don't know how the weather is where you live, but here it has been raining a lot. I am thankful that it is only rain and not tornadoes. So I guess I have nothing to complain about :)
The other day I was out and running errands, when suddenly I had the incredible urge to stop at Dunn Brother for a nice, hot coffee. Vanilla white chocolate mocha with whip - oh, so good! Anyway, I pulled around the corner into the parking lot, because I always slurp the whip first. Until I had the first sip of coffee, I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings .... yes, it was that kinda day. Then I lifted my eyes and I had to laugh out loud - all by myself in the car. There were ducks swimming in a pool of water in the parking lot! It was just too cute. I thought I share some pictures and hope they make you smile as we all enter another week :)
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This just looked cool..... |
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This looked better in nature, I couldn't capture it exactly though |
Saturday, May 25, 2013
It has been a while :)
Oh my, time really flies! Last time I posted, we were surprised by snow. Now we have mainly rain, though I don't want to be unfair, we also had a few sunny days since then. The weather is about as crazy as our lives are right now.
I am in the middle of planning my daughters graduation party. I am so blessed to have a good friend helping me. Highschool graduation is an American thing and I grew up in Germany, we didn't have grad parties. So now I am learning many things about it, so I will be ready for the other two children who will follow in a few short years :) I can't believe I am done homeschooling her. Where did the years go? This is a new chapter in life, for all of us. I am excited to see what God has in store for her.
Here are two pictures of my grad girl, courtesy of JK Photography.
My little guy wanted to go fishing the other day but I had a few errands to run in the morning. So we made a deal, if he got his school work done by the time I got home again, I would take him fishing.
Let me tell you, he has never done his school work so fast! So I had to keep me end of the deal, which at first I wasn't all that happy with because more work was waiting for me to be done. But I wanted to keep my word. I have to tell you, it was a blessing. While Jeremy fished and had fun and made some new friends, I got to sit in the sun and just relax. I got to soak up some wonderful, warm sunshine. After about two and half hours we had to leave because I had more stuff to do. We both had a great time. Jeremy caught quite a few fishes and I had time spend with my Lord :)
I am in the middle of planning my daughters graduation party. I am so blessed to have a good friend helping me. Highschool graduation is an American thing and I grew up in Germany, we didn't have grad parties. So now I am learning many things about it, so I will be ready for the other two children who will follow in a few short years :) I can't believe I am done homeschooling her. Where did the years go? This is a new chapter in life, for all of us. I am excited to see what God has in store for her.
Here are two pictures of my grad girl, courtesy of JK Photography.
My little guy wanted to go fishing the other day but I had a few errands to run in the morning. So we made a deal, if he got his school work done by the time I got home again, I would take him fishing.
Let me tell you, he has never done his school work so fast! So I had to keep me end of the deal, which at first I wasn't all that happy with because more work was waiting for me to be done. But I wanted to keep my word. I have to tell you, it was a blessing. While Jeremy fished and had fun and made some new friends, I got to sit in the sun and just relax. I got to soak up some wonderful, warm sunshine. After about two and half hours we had to leave because I had more stuff to do. We both had a great time. Jeremy caught quite a few fishes and I had time spend with my Lord :)
Monday, April 22, 2013
Noooooo :-(
I am totally speechless now..... I did suspect it but now I know that I live in the eternal Tundra!
It looks like Christmas time but, alas, it is the 22nd of April !
I am so tired of snow. Actually that wouldn't even be so bad, I could live with it - not like it, but okay. However, there is no sun! On Saturday it was a sunny day but that was the first and so far only one thus far in the last week or two ..... I need sun and warmth........
It looks like Christmas time but, alas, it is the 22nd of April !
I am so tired of snow. Actually that wouldn't even be so bad, I could live with it - not like it, but okay. However, there is no sun! On Saturday it was a sunny day but that was the first and so far only one thus far in the last week or two ..... I need sun and warmth........
Friday, April 19, 2013
How can this be supported in any form????
My mother wanted to know what I do with myself these days, so I said I go downtown and watch a trial. Oh, that’s interesting, dear, she thought, and asked for details. Mom’s mind doesn’t work the same way it used to since her stroke three years ago, so the conversation went something like this:
Well, a man named Kermit Gosnell is on trial for murder, I said. (It turns out she had heard of the case.) “How can anybody abort a little baby?” she said. Well, actually, Mom, he’s not on trial for abortion, he’s on trial for murder. Everybody’s OK with abortion; they’re just not OK with murder. As a matter of fact, Judge Jeffrey Minehart purged the jury of any self-declared pro-lifers before the trial began.
My 81-year-old mother, not being as “with it” as she used to be, struggled to understand the arcane distinction between “abortion” (the killing of a baby) and “murder” (the killing of a baby). I patiently explained that the authorities didn’t like that Dr. Gosnell did what he did a minute after the baby was born, rather than a minute before.
Then things started to get complicated. That’s because I ended up telling Mom about the prosecution’s star witness, Karen Feisullin, an ob-gyn who practices at Abington Memorial Hospital, where I birthed three of my four children. I re-emphasized to Mom that this was the prosecution’s girl, the one the D.A. called to show the defendant did wrong.
On the witness stand Dr. Feisullin, after turning her nose up at Gosnell’s antiquated ultrasound machine, tutored the courtroom on how an abortion is done properly: (A) Grab baby’s leg with forceps; (B) pull into birth canal (pieces may break off); (C) deliver body, except for head; (D) insert probe into back of skull; (E) suction out brain for easy passage. And there you have it, folks, a perfectly legal D&E, or Dilation and Evacuation.
My mother still wasn’t catching on. So why is Dr. Feisullin the good guy and Gosnell the bad guy? Well, Mom, she’s a licensed ob-gyn, and most of her practice is delivering live babies to happy women in a gleaming, state-of-the-art hospital. Abortion is just a teeny part of her work: She does a scant two to four second-trimester abortions per week, and mostly for “fetal anomalies.” Besides, she’s kind of pretty.
Furthermore, I told Mom, Dr. Feisullin is careful only to kill babies up to 23 weeks and six days old. She would never take out a life one day older than that (though second-trimester fetal age assessment has an over-and-under of two weeks). That would be against the Pennsylvania law, and she is an honorable doctor. So are they all, honorable doctors. (At one point, as defense attorney Jack McMahon walked back to his seat after an uncomfortable cross-examination of Feisullin over the gritty particulars of fetal dismemberment, she called out from the stand, “Are we going to talk about how they’re all over 24 weeks?” McMahon reminded her that he was the one asking the questions.)
There are other differences between Gosnell and Feisullin, I explained to someone now far too old to understand. In Gosnell’s clinic, when an abortion went wrong (that is to say, when the baby lived), he would do a fast scissor snip at the back of the neck—but when an abortion went wrong on Feisullin’s watch, she would give it “comfort care.” What’s comfort care? Mom naïvely probed. Well, it means she “keep(s) it warm” under a little blanket “until it passes.” So you mean in Gosnell’s operatory the baby is put out of its misery quickly, but in Feisullin’s he might flop around on a table for hours? (Actually, Mom didn’t ask that. That one’s my question.)
I saved the ickiest for last: Gosnell put a few baby’s feet in specimen jars. They were marked and labeled for women who might want them later for DNA samples or identification of age, Gosnell told his staff. That’s disgusting. The proper disposal of fetuses, as everyone knows, is biohazard bags, an Insinkerator, an on-site crematorium, or sale to pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies.
You know what, Mom? A pox on both their houses.
WORLD | Courtroom horror | Andrée Seu Peterson |
Monday, April 15, 2013
Thank you Pastor Piper and thank you Pastor Meyer
A little over three years ago we visited Bethlehem Baptist Church for the first time. Even though we didn't know anyone, everyone was very nice to us. Actually that is a total understatement. Bethlehem cared for us and loved us in very amazing ways. This was what drew me to that church in the first place, not necessarily because of all the help that we received, though I don't know what we would have done without it, but it was much more than that. They didn't know us - at all. They just heard of a need and responded - that is what drew me to Bethlehem. It was so intimidating at first. So big. So many people. My church in Germany had about 120 people. We went to our Pastors, two of them, to bible studies. As a new Christian I was mentored by my Pastors wife and we became friends. We had close relationships with lots of accountability. I learned so much there! Now, here we were in Minnesota at Bethlehem Baptist Church, three campuses - one church! So many people! Yes, it was intimidating. We tried a smaller church first, but that just didn't really feel like home. Once we got past the "bigness" of BBC, it got much easier. The people made it so easy for us, we were welcomed and we felt at home. So for the next three years we sat under the teachings of Pastor John Piper.
When we were in Germany, I only heard of John Piper and his name was mentioned right along with John McArthur, John Edwards, Mr. Spurgeon and other big names. So it was very amazing to hear him preach in person! I have learned so much and I have been challenged plenty of time by Dr. Piper's preaching. Every Sunday was amazing because though I may have read what he preached about, I was amazed how much more God showed him in the same passage. Not that I agreed with everything, but it challenged me to dig deeper and find the answer as to why or why not I agreed. It was amazing to listen to Pastor Piper, his love and passion for Christ is just contagious.
Today now Bethlehem celebrated John Piper's 33 years of pastorate at BBC. I really like what his wife, Noel, said that they are not retired but refired. It is sad that John Piper is not the Pastor of BBC any more, at the same time I rejoice with him and his family. He will now have the time to pursue the things he didn't have time for before. He will have more time for his family. Pastor Piper and Noel, I wish you all the best and all of God's blessings! I am looking forward to find out what else God has in store for you!
At the same time, I am also excited to see what God will do at BBC. Our new Pastor, Jason Meyer is good. I like his preaching, it is very strong. I can only imagine what must go through his mind as the successor of John Piper. I am certain that he is very confident in Christ and is filled with the Holy Spirit.
So I am excited to see what the future will bring :)
In conclusion I would like to say: Thank you for all you have done for the BBC family and Godspeed to the Piper family. Thank you for all you will do in the future and Godspeed to the Meyer family. I pray for God's blessings over all of Bethlehem and the rest of the world.
When we were in Germany, I only heard of John Piper and his name was mentioned right along with John McArthur, John Edwards, Mr. Spurgeon and other big names. So it was very amazing to hear him preach in person! I have learned so much and I have been challenged plenty of time by Dr. Piper's preaching. Every Sunday was amazing because though I may have read what he preached about, I was amazed how much more God showed him in the same passage. Not that I agreed with everything, but it challenged me to dig deeper and find the answer as to why or why not I agreed. It was amazing to listen to Pastor Piper, his love and passion for Christ is just contagious.
Today now Bethlehem celebrated John Piper's 33 years of pastorate at BBC. I really like what his wife, Noel, said that they are not retired but refired. It is sad that John Piper is not the Pastor of BBC any more, at the same time I rejoice with him and his family. He will now have the time to pursue the things he didn't have time for before. He will have more time for his family. Pastor Piper and Noel, I wish you all the best and all of God's blessings! I am looking forward to find out what else God has in store for you!
At the same time, I am also excited to see what God will do at BBC. Our new Pastor, Jason Meyer is good. I like his preaching, it is very strong. I can only imagine what must go through his mind as the successor of John Piper. I am certain that he is very confident in Christ and is filled with the Holy Spirit.
So I am excited to see what the future will bring :)
In conclusion I would like to say: Thank you for all you have done for the BBC family and Godspeed to the Piper family. Thank you for all you will do in the future and Godspeed to the Meyer family. I pray for God's blessings over all of Bethlehem and the rest of the world.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Gluten Free Bread - and it tastes good ! :D
I am very excited today! I have finally found a recipe for gluten free bread that easy, fast and tastes good! If you have ever tried to eat gluten free bread from the store, you will understand my excitement ;-) Let me explain how this all came about.... A little while ago a friend from church and I talked about german bread and how much we miss it (she is german as well). Then she told me that she has a great and easy recipe for baking bread at home, without a bread machine. Well, I wasn't too excited at first because I know about baking bread. When the kids where younger, I used to bake bread all the time - without the bread baker and from scratch. It was usually not too bad but rather messy, though the kneading process was surprisingly stress relieving, seeing that one could pound the dough and really work it through.... then you have to let it rise and wait and knead and let it rise and finally bake. And don't forget all the clean up. It was rather tedious to wash out all the fresh (very) sticky bread dough out of the wash cloth and get if of the work surface ...... hhmm, no I wasn't too eager to try baking again. It tasted good, but I just dreaded all the work. My friend assured me though, that the whole process is very quick, easy and painless. She must have seen the doubt in my face, because she invited me to her place to bake bread. Well, I was curious and I like spending time with her, so I agreed to come over a few weeks later. When baking day came, I went to my friends house with some other lovely ladies from our church, who were just as curious about baking bread in a 'painless' way.
Well, to make a long story short - it was great, easy, painless and delicious !
We mixed the dough in a stand mixer, put it in an ice cream bucket, let it rise for about one hour, took a chunk out and baked it - done! The rest of the dough stays in the bucket in the fridge and when you are ready to bake the next bread, you take out another chunk of dough, let it rise for about 90 minutes and bake it - done! It truly was easy and the clean up is done very fast and easy. Of course we baked regular bread at my friends house, but when I got home, I remembered that about a year ago I recipes from another friend and they were from the same book that my friend used when she baked the bread with us. So I set out to find the recipes and I found them! Sure enough, it was the same book! "Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes A Day". Sooo, of course I tried the recipes and to my great surprise - it came out great and tastes great! I have tried a sweet bread for Easter - I don't have pictures of that. After that I made the the gluten free olive oil bread. Can you say awesome :D So I mixed the dough one evening, it took about 20 minutes, including clean up. Put it in an ice cream bucket and put the lid loosely on it. Let it sit for 2 hours and then put it in the fridge. I wanted to bake bread the next day. Well, the next day we all had a craving for pizza. If you have been gluten free for a little while, you know that this can be a problem. Though Dominos has GF pizza but it is small and rather expensive ( $ 10 for a small pizza) and we would have had to buy at least two pizzas. I remembered though that somewhere in the recipe it talked about using the olive oil dough for pizza. So we stopped at the grocery store and got some pizza sauce, cheese, ham, pineapple and olives and went home. It took some of the dough out of the ice cream bucket and made two pizzas. I just had to flatten the dough and put all the stuff on it and put it in the oven - done! It was really, really good! The next day I used the rest of the dough to bake bread. You just have to let it rise for about 90 min and bake it - done! It is one of the best GF breads I ever had! It is hard not to eat too much! If this all made you curious, here is the website, it even has a short video on how it is done. Take a look, you will be amazed how easy it is to make bread - and cheap! I have ordered the book now, because there is one chapter of gluten free baking in it, seeing how much money I can save in buying bread it is well worth the investment :)
Now that I talked all about our yummy food, here are some pictures :)
Well, to make a long story short - it was great, easy, painless and delicious !
We mixed the dough in a stand mixer, put it in an ice cream bucket, let it rise for about one hour, took a chunk out and baked it - done! The rest of the dough stays in the bucket in the fridge and when you are ready to bake the next bread, you take out another chunk of dough, let it rise for about 90 minutes and bake it - done! It truly was easy and the clean up is done very fast and easy. Of course we baked regular bread at my friends house, but when I got home, I remembered that about a year ago I recipes from another friend and they were from the same book that my friend used when she baked the bread with us. So I set out to find the recipes and I found them! Sure enough, it was the same book! "Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes A Day". Sooo, of course I tried the recipes and to my great surprise - it came out great and tastes great! I have tried a sweet bread for Easter - I don't have pictures of that. After that I made the the gluten free olive oil bread. Can you say awesome :D So I mixed the dough one evening, it took about 20 minutes, including clean up. Put it in an ice cream bucket and put the lid loosely on it. Let it sit for 2 hours and then put it in the fridge. I wanted to bake bread the next day. Well, the next day we all had a craving for pizza. If you have been gluten free for a little while, you know that this can be a problem. Though Dominos has GF pizza but it is small and rather expensive ( $ 10 for a small pizza) and we would have had to buy at least two pizzas. I remembered though that somewhere in the recipe it talked about using the olive oil dough for pizza. So we stopped at the grocery store and got some pizza sauce, cheese, ham, pineapple and olives and went home. It took some of the dough out of the ice cream bucket and made two pizzas. I just had to flatten the dough and put all the stuff on it and put it in the oven - done! It was really, really good! The next day I used the rest of the dough to bake bread. You just have to let it rise for about 90 min and bake it - done! It is one of the best GF breads I ever had! It is hard not to eat too much! If this all made you curious, here is the website, it even has a short video on how it is done. Take a look, you will be amazed how easy it is to make bread - and cheap! I have ordered the book now, because there is one chapter of gluten free baking in it, seeing how much money I can save in buying bread it is well worth the investment :)
Now that I talked all about our yummy food, here are some pictures :)
It was supposed to be done on a pizza stone, I used a pizza tray with foil, since I have only one pizza stone. |
It turned out very well :) |
Ham and Pineapple - yummy..... |
Doesn't that look good ? |
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Same dough as the pizza. |
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It is a little bit chewy but not too dense and crispy on the outside. Very delicious! |
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
How was your Easter Celebration?
We had a good time celebrating the risen Christ. We spend the day together and it was so nice. I made a gluten free brioche for breakfast and it turned out really good. We went to the third service at church. It was pretty strange and also very sad to think that we were listening to John Piper's last sermon as Lead Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. It was a good sermon, as usual. God really gave him the gift of preaching and I am very thankful that I was privileged to sit under Pastor Piper's teaching for the last three years. I think God still has many plans for his life and I think Pastor John will enjoy this next phase of his life.
We then came to home to a roast, which I had in a dutch oven cooking while we were at church. It smelled so good when we walked in the door. We had our pork roast with red cabbage and dumplings (Kloesse). Later we had some gluten free cupcakes and easter candy. We watched "Matthew" and had a really relaxing and good time together. The only little not so good part was that Jeremy lost a part of the filling in his tooth while chewing chewing gum and had a toothache. I gave him four ibuprofen and he was okay. We ended up going to the dentist this morning and he pulled the tooth. It was a "baby tooth". So now he is missing three teeth and the tooth fairy is going broke ;-)
We then came to home to a roast, which I had in a dutch oven cooking while we were at church. It smelled so good when we walked in the door. We had our pork roast with red cabbage and dumplings (Kloesse). Later we had some gluten free cupcakes and easter candy. We watched "Matthew" and had a really relaxing and good time together. The only little not so good part was that Jeremy lost a part of the filling in his tooth while chewing chewing gum and had a toothache. I gave him four ibuprofen and he was okay. We ended up going to the dentist this morning and he pulled the tooth. It was a "baby tooth". So now he is missing three teeth and the tooth fairy is going broke ;-)
The Easter Bunny in the nest :) |
Not sure what we were thinking... why did we color that many eggs???? |
Food is on the table, it was so good, with enough left overs for the next day..... |
Close up of the Easter Bunny :D |
Sunday, March 17, 2013
A winner :)
So, grab your latte or tea or other beverage of choice, kick back and relax - it's the weekend :D
We started off with a Karate Tournament. Jeremy just started Karate in January and this was his first tournament. I told him that maybe he shouldn't expect too much, because he didn't have much time to learn and train. Though it was great to get to know the process and see what's going on, so that he would be better prepared for the next time. I thought it would be good to get him ready - just in case he didn't win anything, which in my mind was clear that it wouldn't happen because he just started with this. Well, my 'little' son proved me all wrong. He didn't just get trophy, he brought two home! One was for participation in the gold belt basics. The other was for first place in team form! Yeah! He and his partner did really good - especially since both of them are pretty new to Karate. This was awesome for the boys and Jeremy was on a high all day long. Of course the high energy one could easily feel at tournament had something to do with that as well.
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One happy boy :) |
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my little guy with his winning car 'Sharp Cheddar" |
After all of this excitement, we still had to finish the project for the geography bee at our co-op. Jeremy chose to make a display board about Berlin - Germany. That was a bit difficult to fit in, because it didn't have much to do with our school. Since we are studying about the ancient civilizations, we didn't quite fit it. Though we did learn that Germany existed already during ancient Roman times, though it was called Germania. So I guess it did fit into our history - somewhat at least ;-)
So it was a very eventful and successful few weeks for us, especially for Jeremy. It was a great time, but I was glad to have some normalcy back :)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Justice Department: Home Schooling not a 'Right'
Really? So what does that mean for homeschoolers here in the US????
Since this hits close to home - so to speak, I thought I pass this on. I think if enough people know about this, we can then stand together to keep the right to homeschool here in the US. It is the land of the free and should remain the land of the free!
Since this hits close to home - so to speak, I thought I pass this on. I think if enough people know about this, we can then stand together to keep the right to homeschool here in the US. It is the land of the free and should remain the land of the free!
The U.S. Justice Department says home-schooling is not a fundamental right.
That was the argument the Obama administration made
in federal court against an evangelical Christian family from Germany
seeking asylum in the United States.
Germany broadly forbids home-schooling. So the
Romeike family was forced to flee the country or risk losing their five
children to the German government, which was trying to force them to put
their children in public schools.
The Homeschool Legal Defense Association is working on the Romeike family's behalf.
Michael Farris, founder and chairman of HSLDA, wrote
about Germany's home-school ban in his blog saying, "It is thought
control. It is belief control. It is totalitarianism dressed up in
politically correct lingo."
For more on this important case and its
potential impact on home-schooling in the United States, CBN News spoke
with Michael Donnelly, director of International Relations for HSLDA.
The Romeikes claim their religious freedoms are being violated.
But U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has filed
against the Romeike family in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit. He said that asylum should not be granted to home-schoolers
since home-schooling is not protected under religious freedom.
But Farris wrote, "In most asylum cases, there is
some guesswork necessary to figure out the government's true motive --
but not in this case."
"The Supreme Court of Germany declared that the
purpose of the German ban on home-schooling was to 'counteract the
development of religious and philosophically motivated parallel
societies,'" Farris explained.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Beginning of the week
Mondays are usually a little difficult for us. It isn't so easy to get started again, especially since we didn't do anything over the weekend due to the winter storm warning. Though in our particular neighborhood we didn't experience anything too awful. We thought we better play it safe and stay at home, which was really nice and cozy. Which made the start of this week really hard :)
We started out school day a bit later than intended, but it all went well. Jeremy did one whole math lesson from Math U See in about 30 min! Yes! He really had fun doing it and I enjoy to see that he has fun and understands this part of math easily. In Science he is doing Human Anatomy and Physiology from Jeannie Fulbright this year. It is a good curriculum and has some really fun and easy experiments. Boys really seem to like those, the girls, in general didn't care much about experiments. Anyway, Mrs. Fulbright came out with an audiobook for Anatomy, which Jeremy listened to and followed along in the science book for a little. Then he decided that he wanted to color some pages from the accompanying student journal while he listened to the audiobook. This was really awesome for me, because while he was learning, I was able to make food! I was surprised how much he retained from listening. So we had a good school day and he felt pretty independent.
In December Jeremy started with Karate and I am happy to say that he really likes it. Last week he was allowed to break a board, he was really happy that he succeeded :)
For the next week he is going to train a lot because he is going to his first Karate tournament at the end of this month. He also has his pinewood derby with his cub scouts at the beginning of March and he working a lot on his little car. I haven't seen it yet, because he goes to a friends house because the friends dad has all the tools they need. We only have a bread knife ;-) I will post some pictures about that after the derby. In the meantime, here are some Karate pictures of my little guy when he broke his board. Though really, he isn't that little anymore :)
We started out school day a bit later than intended, but it all went well. Jeremy did one whole math lesson from Math U See in about 30 min! Yes! He really had fun doing it and I enjoy to see that he has fun and understands this part of math easily. In Science he is doing Human Anatomy and Physiology from Jeannie Fulbright this year. It is a good curriculum and has some really fun and easy experiments. Boys really seem to like those, the girls, in general didn't care much about experiments. Anyway, Mrs. Fulbright came out with an audiobook for Anatomy, which Jeremy listened to and followed along in the science book for a little. Then he decided that he wanted to color some pages from the accompanying student journal while he listened to the audiobook. This was really awesome for me, because while he was learning, I was able to make food! I was surprised how much he retained from listening. So we had a good school day and he felt pretty independent.
In December Jeremy started with Karate and I am happy to say that he really likes it. Last week he was allowed to break a board, he was really happy that he succeeded :)
For the next week he is going to train a lot because he is going to his first Karate tournament at the end of this month. He also has his pinewood derby with his cub scouts at the beginning of March and he working a lot on his little car. I haven't seen it yet, because he goes to a friends house because the friends dad has all the tools they need. We only have a bread knife ;-) I will post some pictures about that after the derby. In the meantime, here are some Karate pictures of my little guy when he broke his board. Though really, he isn't that little anymore :)
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the teacher is explaining what to do |
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test run on how to hit the board with his knee |
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He did it ! |
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Sobering Saturday
I don't know how it was here in the US, but when I was a kid growing up in Germany we often heard from different religious groups that the world was going to end on such and such date. I think according to all these different groups the world should have ended about 8 to 10 times that I can remember. The first time it was very scary, because I didn't know if they might be right or not. What IF they were right and we have only three more months before the world ends? Maybe I just don't have to worry about the math test ! What would happen to everyone? Would we all die fast or painful? Many questions ran through my head. Full of anticipation and nervousness I counted down the days. My parents attitude was calming but a little alarming too. They just laughed at this. Good, I thought, they know better. But what IF they were wrong THIS time? So the doomsday came and went and nothing happened. Of course I was relieved. The next time I heard about the end of the world I didn't pay much attention anymore and the third and following times, I just laughed.
After I became a Christian, I started to read Revelation and tried to understand what God is telling us there. Though to be honest, I still don't really understand many things in Revelation. I didn't think that I will ever see the end of this world.
In the last few years, however, I have been looking at some events and am wondering now if I am indeed seeing the beginning of the end of this world. I don't think that 'doomsday' is at hand, for that there are some things that should happen which didn't happen yet. However, it seems that there are things that seem to start in just that direction. The following article written by Albert Mohler is rather eyeopening:
new chapter in America’s moral revolution came today as Atlanta pastor
Louie Giglio withdrew from giving the benediction at President Obama’s
second inaugural ceremony. In a statement released to the White House
and the Presidential Inaugural Committee, Giglio said that he withdrew
because of the furor that emerged yesterday after a liberal watchdog
group revealed that almost twenty years ago he had preached a sermon in
which he had stated that homosexuality is a sin and that the “only way
out of a homosexual lifestyle … is through the healing power of Jesus.”
In other words, a Christian pastor has been effectively disinvited from delivering an inaugural prayer because he believes and teaches Christian truth.
The fact that Giglio was actually disinvited was made clear in a statement from Addie Whisenant of the Presidential Inaugural Committee:
“We were not aware of Pastor Giglio’s past comments at the time of his selection, and they don’t reflect our desire to celebrate the strength and diversity of our country at this inaugural. Pastor Giglio was asked to deliver the benediction in large part because of his leadership in combating human trafficking around the world. As we now work to select someone to deliver the benediction, we will ensure their beliefs reflect this administration’s vision of inclusion and acceptance for all Americans.”
That statement is, in effect, an embarrassed apology for having invited Louie Giglio in the first place. Whisenant’s statement apologizes for the Presidential Inaugural Committee’s failure to make certain that their selection had never, at any time, for any reason, believed that homosexuality is less than a perfectly acceptable lifestyle. The committee then promised to repent and learn from their failure, committing to select a replacement who would “reflect this administration’s vision of inclusion and acceptance.”
The imbroglio over Louie Giglio is the clearest evidence of the new Moral McCarthyism of our sexually “tolerant” age. During the infamous McCarthy hearings, witnesses would be asked, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”
In the version now to be employed by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, the question will be: “Are you now or have you ever been one who believes that homosexuality (or bisexuality, or transsexualism, etc.) is anything less than morally acceptable and worthy of celebration?”
Louie Giglio, pastor of Atlanta’s Passion City Church, is also founder of the Passion movement that brings tens of thousands of Christian young people together to hear Giglio, along with speakers such as John Piper. They urge a rising generation of young Christians to make a passionate commitment to Christ. In recent years, the movement has also sought to raise awareness and activism among young Christians on the issue of sex trafficking. It was that activism that caught the attention of both President Obama and the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
Note carefully that both the White House and the committee were ready to celebrate Giglio’s activism on sex trafficking, but all that was swept away by the Moral McCarthyism on the question of homosexuality.
Two other dimensions of this story also demand attention. First, we should note that Louie Giglio has not been known lately for taking any stand on the issue of homosexuality. To the contrary, Giglio’s own statement withdrawing from the invitation made this clear:
“Due to a message of mine that has surfaced from 15-20 years ago, it is likely that my participation, and the prayer I would offer, will be dwarfed by those seeking to make their agenda the focal point of the inauguration. Clearly, speaking on this issue has not been in the range of my priorities in the past fifteen years. Instead, my aim has been to call people to ultimate significance as we make much of Jesus Christ.”
A fair-minded reading of that statement indicates that Pastor Giglio has strategically avoided any confrontation with the issue of homosexuality for at least fifteen years. The issue “has not been in the range of my priorities,” he said. Given the Bible’s insistance that sexual morality is inseparable from our “ultimate significance as we make much of Jesus Christ,” this must have been a difficult strategy. It is also a strategy that is very attractive to those who want to avoid being castigated as intolerant or homophobic. As this controversy makes abundantly clear, it is a failed strategy. Louie Giglio was cast out of the circle of the acceptable simply because a liberal watchdog group found one sermon he preached almost twenty years ago. If a preacher has ever taken a stand on biblical conviction, he risks being exposed decades after the fact. Anyone who teaches at any time, to any degree, that homosexual behavior is a sin is now to be cast out.
Second, we should note that Pastor Giglio’s sermon was, as we would expect and hope, filled with grace and the promise of the Gospel. Giglio did not just state that homosexuals are sinners — he made clear that every single human being is a sinner, in need of the redemption that is found only in Jesus Christ. “We’ve got to say to the homosexuals, the same thing that I say to you and that you would say to me … It’s not easy to change, but it’s possible to change,” he preached. He pointed his congregation, gay and straight, to “the healing power of Jesus.” He called his entire congregation to repent and come to Christ by faith.
That is the quintessential Christian Gospel. That is undiluted biblical truth. Those words are the consensus of the Church for over 2,000 years, and the firm belief held by the vast majority of Christians around the world today.
The Presidential Inaugural Committee and the White House have now declared historic, biblical Christianity to be out of bounds, casting it off the inaugural program as an embarrassment. By its newly articulated standard, any preacher who holds to the faith of the church for the last 2,000 years is persona non grata. By this standard, no Roman Catholic prelate or priest can participate in the ceremony. No Evangelical who holds to biblical orthodoxy is welcome. The vast majority of Christians around the world have been disinvited. Mormons, and the rabbis of Orthodox Judaism are out. Any Muslim imam who could walk freely in Cairo would be denied a place on the inaugural program. Billy Graham, who participated in at least ten presidential inaugurations is welcome no more. Rick Warren, who incited a similar controversy when he prayed at President Obama’s first inauguration, is way out of bounds. In the span of just four years, the rules are fully changed.
The gauntlet was thrown down yesterday, and the axe fell today. Wayne Besen, founder of the activist group Truth Wins Out, told The New York Times yesterday: “It is imperative that Giglio clarify his remarks and explain whether he has evolved on gay rights, like so many other faith and political leaders. It would be a shame to select a preacher with backward views on LBGT people at a moment when the nation is rapidly moving forward on our issues.”
And there you have it — anyone who has ever believed that homosexuality is morally problematic in any way must now offer public repentance and evidence of having “evolved” on the question. This is the language that President Obama used of his own “evolving” position on same-sex marriage. This is what is now openly demanded of Christians today. If you want to avoid being thrown off the program, you had better learn to evolve fast, and repent in public.
This is precisely what biblical Christians cannot do. While seeking to be gentle in spirit and ruthlessly Gospel-centered in speaking of any sin, we cannot cease to speak of sin as sin. To do so is not only to deny the authority of Scripture, not only to reject the moral consensus of the saints, but it undermines the Gospel itself. The Gospel makes no sense, and is robbed of its saving power, if sin is denied as sin.
An imbroglio is a painful and embarrassing conflict. The imbroglio surrounding Louie Giglio is not only painful, it is revealing. We now see the new Moral McCarthyism in its undisguised and unvarnished reality. If you are a Christian, get ready for the question you will now undoubtedly face: “Do you now or have you ever believed that homosexuality is a sin?” There is nowhere to hide.
you can read the original article here
I think that we need to talk to God about this and ask Him to give us strength to do His will. I can only say that for my part I will hate the sin but love the sinner! I don't hate any gay person, I had gay and lesbian friends in my life and they are wonderful people. However, they do live in sin. I have known adulterers and they were nice people, however they lived in sin. I have known addicts, nice people but again, they lived in sin. We are all sinners, we are all broken the Father can heal us. Healing doesn't always looks the same for each person and the journey to healing surly is individual to a person. I don't have an answer for every question, but I do know that homosexuality is a sin according the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. I do know that we as Christians should not compromise on Gods Word, it is what it is. If we don't stand up for the Word of God now, there will be a day when it is too late to want to stand up for Word of God because then we will be threatened torture and loss of life and family and friends.
It is slow and almost not noticeable slope and it starts by not caring about what is true and right. Then it continues on to "well, whatever is right for you" which means you are not defending truth and by that action you abandon the truth. You give up on the truth. Once that has happened it will be very, very costly to go back. In german we have a saying "Wehret den Anfaengen" which means something like "fight the beginnings" .
After I became a Christian, I started to read Revelation and tried to understand what God is telling us there. Though to be honest, I still don't really understand many things in Revelation. I didn't think that I will ever see the end of this world.
In the last few years, however, I have been looking at some events and am wondering now if I am indeed seeing the beginning of the end of this world. I don't think that 'doomsday' is at hand, for that there are some things that should happen which didn't happen yet. However, it seems that there are things that seem to start in just that direction. The following article written by Albert Mohler is rather eyeopening:
Thursday, January 10, 2013
In other words, a Christian pastor has been effectively disinvited from delivering an inaugural prayer because he believes and teaches Christian truth.
The fact that Giglio was actually disinvited was made clear in a statement from Addie Whisenant of the Presidential Inaugural Committee:
“We were not aware of Pastor Giglio’s past comments at the time of his selection, and they don’t reflect our desire to celebrate the strength and diversity of our country at this inaugural. Pastor Giglio was asked to deliver the benediction in large part because of his leadership in combating human trafficking around the world. As we now work to select someone to deliver the benediction, we will ensure their beliefs reflect this administration’s vision of inclusion and acceptance for all Americans.”
That statement is, in effect, an embarrassed apology for having invited Louie Giglio in the first place. Whisenant’s statement apologizes for the Presidential Inaugural Committee’s failure to make certain that their selection had never, at any time, for any reason, believed that homosexuality is less than a perfectly acceptable lifestyle. The committee then promised to repent and learn from their failure, committing to select a replacement who would “reflect this administration’s vision of inclusion and acceptance.”
The imbroglio over Louie Giglio is the clearest evidence of the new Moral McCarthyism of our sexually “tolerant” age. During the infamous McCarthy hearings, witnesses would be asked, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”
In the version now to be employed by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, the question will be: “Are you now or have you ever been one who believes that homosexuality (or bisexuality, or transsexualism, etc.) is anything less than morally acceptable and worthy of celebration?”
Louie Giglio, pastor of Atlanta’s Passion City Church, is also founder of the Passion movement that brings tens of thousands of Christian young people together to hear Giglio, along with speakers such as John Piper. They urge a rising generation of young Christians to make a passionate commitment to Christ. In recent years, the movement has also sought to raise awareness and activism among young Christians on the issue of sex trafficking. It was that activism that caught the attention of both President Obama and the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
Note carefully that both the White House and the committee were ready to celebrate Giglio’s activism on sex trafficking, but all that was swept away by the Moral McCarthyism on the question of homosexuality.
Two other dimensions of this story also demand attention. First, we should note that Louie Giglio has not been known lately for taking any stand on the issue of homosexuality. To the contrary, Giglio’s own statement withdrawing from the invitation made this clear:
“Due to a message of mine that has surfaced from 15-20 years ago, it is likely that my participation, and the prayer I would offer, will be dwarfed by those seeking to make their agenda the focal point of the inauguration. Clearly, speaking on this issue has not been in the range of my priorities in the past fifteen years. Instead, my aim has been to call people to ultimate significance as we make much of Jesus Christ.”
A fair-minded reading of that statement indicates that Pastor Giglio has strategically avoided any confrontation with the issue of homosexuality for at least fifteen years. The issue “has not been in the range of my priorities,” he said. Given the Bible’s insistance that sexual morality is inseparable from our “ultimate significance as we make much of Jesus Christ,” this must have been a difficult strategy. It is also a strategy that is very attractive to those who want to avoid being castigated as intolerant or homophobic. As this controversy makes abundantly clear, it is a failed strategy. Louie Giglio was cast out of the circle of the acceptable simply because a liberal watchdog group found one sermon he preached almost twenty years ago. If a preacher has ever taken a stand on biblical conviction, he risks being exposed decades after the fact. Anyone who teaches at any time, to any degree, that homosexual behavior is a sin is now to be cast out.
Second, we should note that Pastor Giglio’s sermon was, as we would expect and hope, filled with grace and the promise of the Gospel. Giglio did not just state that homosexuals are sinners — he made clear that every single human being is a sinner, in need of the redemption that is found only in Jesus Christ. “We’ve got to say to the homosexuals, the same thing that I say to you and that you would say to me … It’s not easy to change, but it’s possible to change,” he preached. He pointed his congregation, gay and straight, to “the healing power of Jesus.” He called his entire congregation to repent and come to Christ by faith.
That is the quintessential Christian Gospel. That is undiluted biblical truth. Those words are the consensus of the Church for over 2,000 years, and the firm belief held by the vast majority of Christians around the world today.
The Presidential Inaugural Committee and the White House have now declared historic, biblical Christianity to be out of bounds, casting it off the inaugural program as an embarrassment. By its newly articulated standard, any preacher who holds to the faith of the church for the last 2,000 years is persona non grata. By this standard, no Roman Catholic prelate or priest can participate in the ceremony. No Evangelical who holds to biblical orthodoxy is welcome. The vast majority of Christians around the world have been disinvited. Mormons, and the rabbis of Orthodox Judaism are out. Any Muslim imam who could walk freely in Cairo would be denied a place on the inaugural program. Billy Graham, who participated in at least ten presidential inaugurations is welcome no more. Rick Warren, who incited a similar controversy when he prayed at President Obama’s first inauguration, is way out of bounds. In the span of just four years, the rules are fully changed.
The gauntlet was thrown down yesterday, and the axe fell today. Wayne Besen, founder of the activist group Truth Wins Out, told The New York Times yesterday: “It is imperative that Giglio clarify his remarks and explain whether he has evolved on gay rights, like so many other faith and political leaders. It would be a shame to select a preacher with backward views on LBGT people at a moment when the nation is rapidly moving forward on our issues.”
And there you have it — anyone who has ever believed that homosexuality is morally problematic in any way must now offer public repentance and evidence of having “evolved” on the question. This is the language that President Obama used of his own “evolving” position on same-sex marriage. This is what is now openly demanded of Christians today. If you want to avoid being thrown off the program, you had better learn to evolve fast, and repent in public.
This is precisely what biblical Christians cannot do. While seeking to be gentle in spirit and ruthlessly Gospel-centered in speaking of any sin, we cannot cease to speak of sin as sin. To do so is not only to deny the authority of Scripture, not only to reject the moral consensus of the saints, but it undermines the Gospel itself. The Gospel makes no sense, and is robbed of its saving power, if sin is denied as sin.
An imbroglio is a painful and embarrassing conflict. The imbroglio surrounding Louie Giglio is not only painful, it is revealing. We now see the new Moral McCarthyism in its undisguised and unvarnished reality. If you are a Christian, get ready for the question you will now undoubtedly face: “Do you now or have you ever believed that homosexuality is a sin?” There is nowhere to hide.
you can read the original article here
I think that we need to talk to God about this and ask Him to give us strength to do His will. I can only say that for my part I will hate the sin but love the sinner! I don't hate any gay person, I had gay and lesbian friends in my life and they are wonderful people. However, they do live in sin. I have known adulterers and they were nice people, however they lived in sin. I have known addicts, nice people but again, they lived in sin. We are all sinners, we are all broken the Father can heal us. Healing doesn't always looks the same for each person and the journey to healing surly is individual to a person. I don't have an answer for every question, but I do know that homosexuality is a sin according the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. I do know that we as Christians should not compromise on Gods Word, it is what it is. If we don't stand up for the Word of God now, there will be a day when it is too late to want to stand up for Word of God because then we will be threatened torture and loss of life and family and friends.
It is slow and almost not noticeable slope and it starts by not caring about what is true and right. Then it continues on to "well, whatever is right for you" which means you are not defending truth and by that action you abandon the truth. You give up on the truth. Once that has happened it will be very, very costly to go back. In german we have a saying "Wehret den Anfaengen" which means something like "fight the beginnings" .
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