Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beauty products

One night, quite a while ago, I was getting ready to go to bed. When I reached to grab my face wash it was just about empty. So I made a mental note to buy new face wash the next day. After the washing took place I needed to put cream on because my skin is very dry here, especially in the winter. To my utter dismay I saw that my face cream was empty - rats. Then I remembered that heard some talk about using just a little coconut oil. After checking the cupboards I found it! I opened the lid and was pretty reluctant - just a few hours before I had used this same coconut oil to fry my pork chops and now I am supposed to smear this in my face???? Okay then......I got over it and tried on my face. Just a little bit, after all I didn't want to look like my pork chop. The next day I forgot to buy all my face stuff and so I used the coconut oil again. To my surprise my skin started to feel really soft! 
When I finally remembered to buy all my face stuff I was quite surprised. Just when did all this stuff got so expensive? Well, okay maybe I don't need to buy the face cream - I still have more than enough coconut oil.... I ended up not buying any face stuff, instead I went home and did some things on the computer. I remembered Sheri's Blog and so I went over there and saw the recipe for homemade facial wash. I have tried it for at least 6 months now and must say it is great! It really cleanses the skin without overdrying it and there are none of the harsh chemicals or ingredients I can't even pronounce. I know what is in it  :D

I have now put the face wash in an empty, clean hand soap bottle. I use one squirt and massage it into my skin. Make up on and all, I even wipe it gently over my eyes. It takes the mascara right off. Then I take a wash cloth and really hot tap water. Well, at least as hot as I can take it. Then I get the wash cloth wet, wring it out and lay it on my face. I do this about six or more times. The final time I wipe the rest of the face wash of and dry my face. Then I put a little coconut oil on and viola` I am done! 

Give it a try, it makes the skin look and feel really good!

Here is what you need:

1 Tbl Castor Oil
4 Tbl Sunflower Oil        

Now you just have combine the two and you are ready to use your freshly made facial wash. 

Now the oils can go back into the fridge and face wash can go onto the bathroom shelf.

 Here is face wash and my face 'cream' aka coconut oil. I hope to find a smaller tub for it.

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