Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Tent

We are planning a vacation! I have been invited to share our story of God's amazing provision and how wonderful the body of Christ is at it's best. Then we are going to visit the Creation Museum, God willing, we will have some fun and our plans will work out. We have decided to camp along the way. Now, I am not really an outdoors-y person, I tried tent camping many years ago and well, let's just say that after one night I decided that was enough of roughing it for me. However, I really enjoyed camping in our nice camper, we used to have in Germany. It wasn't really all that fancy, but very comfortable and the kids had their room and I had a bathroom and a kitchen.....well, here are some pictures of my home away from home.

This is the living room / dining room that also doubles as a bed at night. The table lays down and the cushions become the mattress.

You can see the kitchen here, in the back is the kid's room. The fuzzy strings on the right many look funny but they were really good at keeping bugs out :)

Stove, sink, refrigerator....

This is the kids room, on the left are the bunk beds and on right are two benches with a table which was changed into a bed at night.
Nothing fancy but very comfortable. This is how I like camping...... we made many good memories with the camper and always had a great time taking it out. Since we are all now on the American continent, we had to sell the camper.

Since we can't buy a camper at this time or anytime soon, I decided to give tent camping another try. So bought a tent, that in itself was very interesting. I didn't want to have a small tent, we are four people traveling this time around. I looked at tents for five people and thought that the majority was too small. I would like to be able to stand up when changing clothes :-)  So I opted for a tent that can hold eight people. Yessss...... much better......When the tent arrived  we were very excited and thought it would be a good idea to try to set up the tent before we are actually leaving so that we wouldn't look too stupid since neither one of us ever put up a tent......pretty funny, right?
Well we didn't really want to embarrass ourselves and so thought we could set it up in our little living room.....if you know a little about tents you are probably breaking out laughing right now.

Here are some pictures of our attempt to put up a tent in our tiny living room...

Jamie just got out of the shower and I bugged her long enough until she helped me but her hair was still wet  ;-)

We thought we better take pictures so we have an idea of how to put the tent back.....

yeah, well, the tent is bigger than the living room..... that was a problem. At this point we decided that we just had to move it all outside.....

Here it is! Our first tent, all set up! It took us only about 10 minutes. It was pretty easy, which was really great. The tent is standing on a bit of a down slope, so it is not all straight and tight.

Setting up the tent went much better than expected and we didn't make much of a fool of ourselves  -  well, at least it was only in our living room :D

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