Wednesday, June 26, 2013

That's why ducks fly

Summer finally to this part of the world. It is really pretty warm these days - if there are no major storms, it is quite nice. So today Jeremy wanted to go to the pool where his sister was life guarding. We some stuff to do so we went to the pool for the last two hours before closing. Due to insider information we knew that it would be less crowded during that time. Anyway, the little guy had a great time. He jumped and dove and flew down the zip line and the slide. He had blast. Unfortunately somebody stole his goggles. So after the swimming we went to the store to buy a new pair of goggles. Jeremy found what he was looking for, which was a combo pack consisting of goggles, flippers and snorkel. He really liked it and tried it out at home. It was quite funny to see him struggle to waddle through the house. I just burst out laughing when he mumbled to himself "Now I know why ducks fly rather than walk" while he waddled on into the kitchen for a glass of water. 
I thought I share this little snipped with you, maybe you need a little smile today. I know I did :-)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Curriculum arrived!

I have been homeschooling for about six years now and every year I ponder anew which curriculum to choose. I have tried textbooks, but that doesn't seem to work well for my lovelies. I really liked  Ambleside Online. A great curriculum fashioned after Charlotte Mason's style of teaching. I really enjoyed it when I had only two kids and they were in the same grade level. It didn't work so well for me when I had three kids in three different grade levels. I don't know how others are doing it, but it drove me crazy, it is quite possible that I could have done something different and make it work, but I couldn't figure out how. Then I tried to put my own curriculum together, which worked well but was VERY work-intensive! I also tried Tapestry of Grace, which I thought was super because I could put all three kids in the same curriculum and we were all learning the same but at different levels. The difficulty I had with TOG was that I couldn't just pick a few books. I constantly had to battle the want to read every book, which TOG clearly states is NOT intended.
This year we will be a very different year for us for many reasons, some I will talk about in a week or two, the other reason is that one of my kids is starting college work. She is going to do 'her own thing' and I have only two left to teach. I really needed something this year that spelled everything out for me and was already all done, so that basically all I have to do is open the folder and start teaching. Sooo, this year we are trying Sonlight. I got the first box with curriculum and I am excited! It is ALL done for me! I don't have to do much at all. I can't believe how easy it can be to plan a school year! Would you believe that I am pretty much done with planning for one of my kids? I opened the box, put all the stickers on the books, so we know which books is for which week. Next I loaded the student and teacher folders and I am done :)  I can't believe it! Okay, so I have to add Math and Science, but they are really easy to plan, because they are pretty much scheduled when they come. This year the kids will do Wordly Wise on the computer, I got a really good deal on that. The only thing I have to do is move some of the scheduled work, because it is planned for five days but we want to do it in four days. That way we don't have to worry about things when it is co-op day. So Fridays will be for co-op, field trips and catch up if needed.
I would like to mention that there is nothing wrong with any of the other curricula, I just really don't have the time to plan so extensively anymore.

So anyway, here are some pictures from 'box day'  :D

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Something to smile :)

I don't know how the weather is where you live, but here it has been raining a lot. I am thankful that it is only rain and not tornadoes. So I guess I have nothing to complain about :)

The other day I was out and running errands, when suddenly I had the incredible urge to stop at Dunn Brother for a nice, hot coffee. Vanilla white chocolate mocha with whip - oh, so good! Anyway, I pulled around the corner into the parking lot, because I always slurp the whip first. Until I had the first sip of coffee, I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings .... yes, it was that kinda day. Then I lifted my eyes and I had to laugh out loud - all by myself in the car. There were ducks swimming in a pool of water in the parking lot! It was just too cute. I thought I share some pictures and hope they make you smile as we all enter another week :)

This just looked cool.....

This looked better in nature, I couldn't
capture it exactly though