Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We will miss you, Bernie B.

Some of you know that I am a volunteer for the Christian Resource Center Library or CRC. I have been there for only two years but I have had the privilege to meet Bernie B. a few times. He was a very sweet man. He was volunteering for the library for many, many years, actually it was something like 14 years. Bernie was always called upon when the library had to be moved, when heavy boxes of books needed to be picked up or brought somewhere. He was always there when shelves needed to be put up or any other work was needed. Bernie was the one who did most of the hard work to sustain the library.
Yesterday the Lord called Bernie home. He is now with Jesus and is dancing with the angels and worshiping our Lord. I am very happy for you Bernie. It was a gift to have met you.  For us, who are still here, it is a sad time. Our hearts are aching and we are mourning the loss of Bernie B. Our condolences to his wife and family!
Bernie wasn't just a volunteer, he was part of the CRC.
Bernie, we will miss you!

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